You have reached the MoboSearch technical center, where you can find the technical information about the project, download the code and also some sample dataset. Everything is open source (licensed after the GPL v3 license), so go on and enjoy it freely.
MoboSearch is a project dealing with the safety analysis of web apps, in particular (for the moment) of apps from the Google Play Store. We want to empower the users beyond the existing app stores, exposing privacy and security information. The ultimate goal is to allow users to make an informed choice and to be in general much more aware of the privacy risks of the current mobile situation, so to cooperatively enable a better and healthier app ecosystem.
This portal is devoted to the more technical aspects of the project. In particular, here you can find and download the code of all the modules and a description of the data, and use it as you need. As part of the MoboSearch framework we offer code to automatically download app information from the Google Play Store, and then to analyze it also exposing privacy and security information. The analysis exposes directly how personal data is used, and also allows to calculate various privacy scores, either using the predefined privacy measures or allowing you to write your own. All the code is made by single python executables, so you can just download the program you need and run it, no particular installation is necessary. We also offer code for backend search functionality, in case you want to run your own app search engine.
MoboSearch is an open source project, sponsored by non-profit institutions (the European Commission via NLNet and the University of Padua), so we welcome your contributions. Do you have feedback, suggestions of new functionalities that you would like to see added? Do you want to directly contribute to the codebase? You are more than welcome: your effort to the public community is needed, because only together we can make a better society.
This project was funded through the NGI0 Discovery Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 825322.